During the calendar year of an avid memory keeper, November is a month when we start to plan how we are going to document the holiday season. In addition to planning a family photo shoot or scheduling fun holiday outings, many of us are gathering our scrapbook supplies, getting ready for that month-long, once-a-year project we know as, “December Daily.” If you are unfamiliar with this project, you can read all about it at aliedwards.com.
I thought by switching over to mobile memory keeping, I would be missing out on all of the fun the traditional scrappers have when prepping foundation pages or organizing their supplies to get ready for December. But I found that not to be the case at all! There are several things that I do to prepare and I am going to use the next few posts to share with you what they are.
I start this project with the end in mind. To me, that means printing the book. I mentioned in an earlier post that my December Daily albums are printed through ZNO. ZNO is one of the few companies that print 6x8 hardbound books. I always hear of people being disappointed when they receive book they have printed at various online printing companies. Page borders may not be even, or text is cut off, etc. This was a concern of mine and after some trial and error, I figured out how to get my pages to print perfectly with ZNO, but it takes a little prep work. In the video below I share with you my process of how I go about modifying the 6x8 digital page templates I purchase in Ali’s shop. If you are going to follow along you would need the following:
Affinity Photo App on your iPad
6x8 page templates stored in iCloud Drive
A drink and a snack (the video is a little over 35 minutes🙂)
Click the image below to watch the video. If you have any questions, please post them in the comments!
It's a long holiday weekend for me and Chris here in the Sunshine State. Hopefully you have Veteran's Day off, too! Use this time to start modifying your templates! I’ll be back on Tuesday with a new December Daily Prep with Mobile Apps Tutorial!